Is mesmirization even a word? Probably not. Anyways, this week’s fun tech task was to create a slow motion video and then add some cool music. I couldn’t really decide what I wanted to do but when I saw what looked like food colouring being added to milk I just had to slow-mo it and add some cool music in the background! I found it mesmerizing. Check it out down below:

Then we had to play around with some green screen stuff. Check out this funny video with chickens eating in the ocean! Ha! Who knew that chickens could breath under water. I sure didn’t.

In class, we talked about some very important and heavy stuff in regards to social media and children and youth today. We were asked to google ourselves, and it was interesting finding me all over the internet! I found a lot of comments that I left on pages that I didn’t even remember commenting on. I like to leave positive reviews for businesses that I felt did a good job at whatever service I bought from them. I feel like they deserve it, and businesses often get a lot of nasty comments online, so I try to release some positivity amongst all that negativity. I also found some articles that I wrote when I had jobs working in the digital news industry. I guess the ones at the top are the ones that got clicked on the most. Nice to see that people are reading them!

After the Q&A with Jesse Miller, I did think about my social media use. I was taught from a young age that everything that goes online stays online. I never was one to post anything online I didn’t want the public to see. I have always seen the internet as somewhere to share information that is useful and somewhere to educate. I guess that’s the educator in me. I asked him if posting pictures of students’ artwork is acceptable, because I have done that in the past. He said it could be, but it is important to think about their artwork as something that is their own and to ask yourself if you think it is fair that it gets shared online? I suppose I never really thought of it in that way. I guess I was always so excited to share their art work because I think it is so beautiful. I never posted pictures of children because I don’t think it’s fair that we post them online when they don’t even know yet what the internet is or who is looking at it. Now I will also refrain from sharing their art work, unless them and their parents are okay with it. Essentially their art work is their own and a part of themselves as people, so it wouldn’t be fair to share that either without consent.

I think video creation would be a very effective learning resource and class activity! I remember so enjoying creating videos for projects in junior high school. So much so that I told my parents that I wanted to be a movie director! That career never materialized… but that’s okay because I can’t wait to be a teacher! Creating and editing movies is a great way to get creative and show others what you’ve learned. I always thought that teaching is one of the best ways to learn, and when I teach things to students, I ask them to teach it to other students and love to observe how much they apply themselves to understand the task in order to execute it and teach it. Video editing is exactly that, but you get to put more creativity and time in to the piece of education that you are sharing! I like how with videos you can clip, edit, add, slow down and just get so creative with pieces of information and visuals and audios that make it so interactive!